Thursday, January 3, 2008

Happy New Year!!!

Well folks, as scared as I am to say it, the year 2007 came and went without a disaster here in Connecticut. I was afraid to even utter our luck into the universe for fear of it all coming crashing down at 11:59 12/31/07, but it seems our streak of bad luck has finally ended. It all started on 1/2/03 and from that day through 12/30/06 has been fraught with disasters, including the untimely death of 3 horses, 3 dogs, 3 cats, 2 sheep (not even counting the chickens, ducks and rabbits), with the final being my husband's argument with the telephone pole on 12/30/06. For those that weren't here, he lost that argument, the pole won. But after surgery putting rods in his spine and plates in his leg, 3 months in a chair, he is back to his old self again, so 2007 was a good year!

I am more than pleased to report that all animals and humans are breathing and walking as of the morning of 1/1/08. The streak has ended!!!!

Now, looking forward to 2008, my hope is that we can move forward in finding a new property. We have our sights on a 66 acre piece next door to my in-laws, owned by my FIL's uncle. I would love the entire piece, but would settle for 10 acres or so.

In the meantime, I would like to finish my barn and have hay storage easily accessible, without having to carry bales of hay uphill slogging through the mud, rain, sleet, snow, and enough storage to carry us through an entire winter so I dont' have to worry about having enough, or being able to get hay. I hope to get Lakota going well on the trails without any worry by either of us. Mandy hopes to start riding Jen lightly and building up her muscling. I would like to start taking Ana out for walks in the yard, away from the other horses, and maybe teach her some fun tricks, to keep her very busy mind engaged and get her in a learning frame of mind. I hope that Leroy will let go of the last of his baggage and trust me and other humans. I also hope to find a part-time job to help pay for this critters, and take stress out of our finances.

Goodbye, 2007, you were good to us. Welcome, 2008!

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